Does animal communication really work?

A few years ago I attended a workshop in animal communication. I was initially very skeptical, because how can we prove that we are not just imagining all this? After all, animals can’t “talk” to confirm to us that our perception is correct.
The workshop was structured in such a way that everyone brought a photo of their animal. Then we got into groups of two and were asked to connect with the other person’s animal. The owner then asked questions like “What is my dog’s favorite toy?”. In this way, we were able to find confirmation if we could really connect with the spirit of the animal or not.
My counterpart had a cat and her question was “What was it that our cat did when she was really little that we definitely didn’t want her to do?”. I connected with the cat and she immediately showed herself to be very willing and cooperative.
I saw her in my mind’s eye running up the stairs of the house and jumping on the wide double bed in the bedroom. “Here, here, this is where it happened…” she conveyed to me quite excitedly while pointing to the bed with her little nose. I didn’t really understand what she was trying to show me and kept asking “What exactly happened here?”. But I sensed that she was so embarrassed that I couldn’t get any more information.
When I told this to the owner, she explained that when the cat was very young, she used to jump on the bed and pee on it. Now I understood why the kitten was embarrassed to show her initial bed-wetting.
When I came home late at night after the first day of the seminar, I was so excited that I really wanted to test it on my dog. I sat down on my bed and meditated a bit to calm my thoughts.
My dog was lying next to me asleep. Then I visualized my heart chakra opening up and I imagined putting an energetic cloak around myself and my dog.
I did this by visualizing a garden surrounded by a fence and inviting my dog to enter, just as we had learned in the seminar. This is important in order to exclude other disturbing factors from the outside, so that one can really connect only with the animal.
Now that I had finally mastered the high art of animal communication, I somehow expected that my dog would shower me with his wisdom! In the sense of what I always wanted to tell you about the world and the universe, because after all animals are much more connected to the magical realms than we are!
Instead, all I heard was this childish voice in my head “Kiss me!!!”. At the same moment, my dog jumped up, which until then lay slumbering next to me and tried to lick my face.
I had to laugh very hard! What had I expected? That my dog would suddenly turn into Plato or Socrates to initiate me into the secrets of life? No, this childlike energy corresponded exactly to his character and he is simply the sweetest snuffycake on earth and no Greek philosopher!
I learned through this that it is not only possible to communicate with animals, but that each animal also has its own individual character and most amazingly can feel a variety of feelings from love to sympathy and embarresment.